At Pumpkin Pediatric Dentistry in Fairfax, VA, we want your child to have the best experience at our dental office. To achieve this, some children need help coping through dental procedures. Depending on your child’s medical history and treatment needs, Dr.Floyd will determine which sedation method is best suited for your child.
Types of sedation treatments
Nitrous oxide: The term "laughing gas" refers to nitrous oxide. Within three to five minutes of breathing nitrous oxide through a mask or nose piece your child can experience the relaxing effects. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a safe and effective sedative for children who are anxious or fearful. Nitrous oxide, a form of sedation dentistry, allows your child to feel relaxed, calm, happy and sometimes silly during dental procedures and operations completed by Dr.Floyd.The gas wears off quickly and there are no lingering effects once the child leaves the office. Children can resume normal activity.
Oral Sedation: Oral sedation can vary in its effect from a mild to moderate sedation. Oral conscious sedation is effective for children who require longer treatments or when nitrous oxide alone has been ineffective. Based on your child’s temperament and treatment needs, Dr. Floyd will determine which medicine is appropriate for your child. The medicine is administered at the office and can take effect in 15-45 minutes. Children usually feel sleepy, or may fall asleep but can respond to normal commands such as “open” and “close”. After the procedure is completed, your child will have very little memory of the procedure and can resume normal activity the next day.
IV moderate sedation: Dr. Floyd works with a board certified anesthesiologist to safely complete the dental treatment of your child. IV sedation comes with a modest level of sedation. The medicine has a faster onset and enables the anesthesiologist to alter the dose of anesthesia as needed. Children are able to breathe on their own and maintain their protective reflexes. Once the procedure is completed, it is best for children to remain supervised at home and resume normal activity the next day.
General Anesthesia: Very young age, extensive treatment needs and special health care needs are some of the reasons your child may require general anesthesia. Dr. Floyd works with a board certified anesthesiologist to safely complete the dental treatment of your child. Your child is completely asleep during the procedure and therefore will not feel anything. Once awakened by the anesthesiologist, there is no memory of dental treatment. It is recommended, your child remain supervised at home and resume normal activity the next day.
You will hear and reply to any inquiries or directions from our dentist.
Our sedation dentistry technique is well-proven and safe. It has a calming effect, and the patient remains alert, in control, and can communicate as a result.
Your internal organs will not be harmed by inhaling nitrous oxide, which is highly safe and does not pose any risk.
The relaxing and numbing effects of nitrous oxide operate fast, making it ideal for young patients, individuals with disabilities, and patients with dental anxiety.
Who is Eligible for this treatment?
Patients who are very young, have a strong gag reflex, extensive treatment needs or special health care needs may benefit from some form of sedation. Furthermore, sedation dentistry can help children who may have had a prior unpleasant dental experience cope with future treatment.
Finding a Dentist that does this treatment
At Pumpkin Pediatric Dentistry in Fairfax, VA, our board certified pediatric dentist, Dr.Floyd, will examine your child and determine if sedation dentistry is needed and which sedation options are best for your child.