Pediatric Dentist in Fairfax VA

Insurances & Financing

Below is a list of Dental insurance plans we currently accept at Pumpkin Pediatric Dentistry! Payment is due at the time of service unless you have made arrangements with our staff. The parent or legal guardian is considered to be responsible for account payment. For individuals without dental insurance and those who do not qualify for third-party financing, we are proud to offer in-house membership plans.
If you don’t see your insurance on our website, please give us a call at 703-436-1010, we’ll be happy to assist you with the insurance benefits breakdown.

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    Contact Us

    Ph. 703-436-1010
    Fax. 703-436-1122

    Office Hours

    Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM